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Issues and Legislation

Rep. Cutler's maiden speech on senior center grants (2013)

Rep. Cutler has been hard at work on a range of issues since he was first elected to represent the Sixth Plymouth District. Among his priorities are workforce development, renewable energy and economic development. During his career Josh has always worked to stand up for those who need a voice, including our seniors, veterans and persons with disabilities.


Below please find a list of initiatives Rep. Cutler has worked on by policy area. This is by no means an exhaustive list so if you are interested in a particular issue and want to know more please contact our office. Additional info is also post to our blog page. One of the things Rep. Cutler most enjoys about his position is always learning new things and finding new issues to work on or problems to solve. We encourage you to reach out and share your ideas and let us know what your own priorities are.

Labor, Workforce & Economic Development

Energy, Environment & Climate


Seniors, Veterans & Persons with Disabilities

Public Health, Public Safety & Substance Recovery

Rep. Cutler's remarks on labor and workforce budget highlights (2023)

Rep. Cutler's remarks on labor and workforce budget highlights (2022)

Rep. Cutler's remarks on labor and workforce budget highlights (2021)

Rep. Cutler's remarks UI bill benefits (2021)

Rep. Cutler's remarks UI bill (2021)

MDDC Legislator of the Year presentation (2021)

State Funeral Proclamation (2020)

Workplace Disability Forum (2020)

Rep. Cutler on Energy efficiency standards bill

Duxbury Beach Coastal Resilience Grant Announcement

Rep. Cutler remarks in support of "Nicky's Law"

Rep. Cutler holiday greeting card contest

Rep. Cutler on Disability Commission

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