It was my pleasure to host the MassBioEd Foundation and some of their member partners for a meeting at the State House on Registered Apprenticeship programs. We often think of apprenticeships in terms of the building trades –– and that is certainly a key sector -- but apprenticeships are a great career pathway in all types of industries, including biotech and life sciences.
Thank you Sunny Schwartz and the MassBioEd Foundation team, Germaine Palmer and Jaimy Jean-Noel, MSc, CSM, for organizing our meeting. I was pleased to hear from Michael Turnbull of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Chris Brett of Pfizer, and Pamela Tusiime, a successful MassBioEd apprentice grad now working at Moderna. Hearing about these success stories is empowering and really helps us when it comes to crafting policy and identifying funding priorities.
I have made expanding and elevating registered apprenticeship programs one of my key priorities for this term and I'm please to work with Labor Secretary Lauren Jones and EOLWD who share this same laudable goal. Apprenticeships offer a tried and tested career pathway to develop our future workforce and should be prioritized just as we do our community colleges and institutes of higher education.