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U.S. DOT accepting applications for Safe Streets and Roads grants

Courtesy Mass, Municipal Association On May 16, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity for the new Safe Streets and Roads for All program, which will provide $5 billion in discre- tionary grant funding to municipalities, counties, special districts, metropolitan planning organizations, and federally recognized tribal governments.

Up to $1 billion is available in the cur- rent federal fiscal year for projects cost- ing from $200,000 up to $50 million, depending on project type. Applications are due Sept. 15, and award announce- ments are expected in late 2022 or early 2023.

Funded through the Bipartisan In- frastructure Law, the SS4A program is intended to support the National Roadway Safety Strategy and its goal of zero deaths and serious injuries on U.S. roadways.

Eligible projects include planning, design, development or updating of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan, as well as implementation of Action Plan activities. Examples of possible projects include, but are not limited to: Improvements along an expanded multimodal roadway network with separated bicycle lanes and improved safety for pedestrians Community-informed street design enhancements Application of low-cost safety treatments (rumble strips, flashing beacons, signage, etc.) Traffic speed management projects Installation of safety enhancements including crosswalks, sidewalks, and lighting for safe passage for people walking, rolling, and using mobility assistive devices Creation of safe routes to schools and public transit services through improved safe passage for people walking, biking and rolling in underserved communities Addressing alcohol-impaired driving Interested parties may subscribe to email updates to receive program announcements. Additional details and informational webinars are available on the SS4A page.



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