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Sen. Lesser & Rep. Cutler to Co-Chair Third Future of Work Commission Meeting at MIT in Cambrid

On Tuesday, Senator Eric P. Lesser and Representative Josh S. Cutler will co-chair the third public meeting of the Future of Work Commission at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The meeting will focus on the role of education, skills and job quality in addressing the future of work. The meeting will include presentations from theMIT Task Force on the Work of the Future, Associate Professor Julie Shah, Professor Lionel C. Kimerling,Holyoke Community College president Christina Royal, and Ed Lambert, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education.

Commission members and guest presenters will attend in person. Members of the public are invited to watch virtually on Tuesday, September 21st at 11 a.m. on Senator Lesser’s Facebook page.

WHO: Senator Eric P. Lesser

Representative Josh S. Cutler

Future of Work Commission members

MIT Task Force on the Work of the Future

Julie Shah, Associate Dean of Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing at MIT,

Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Director of the Interactive Robotics Group

Lionel C. Kimerling, Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at

MIT and the Director of the MIT Microphotonics Center

Christina Royal, President of Holyoke Community College

Edward Lambert, Executive Director of Massachusetts Business Alliance for


WHAT: Third public meeting of the Future of Work Commission at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology

WHEN: Tuesday, September 21st

Meeting starting at 11 a.m.

WHERE: Online at

The 17-member Future of Work Commission serves to examine the future of the workplace and the impact of automation, artificial intelligence, global trade, and new data forms on the workforce, businesses, and economy.

For questions, please contact Molly Trowbridge, Communications Director to Senator Eric P. Lesser, at 508-369-6836.


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