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Rep. Cutler’s Holiday Card Contest Winner

Congratulations to Abigail, a 5th grader at the Alden School in Duxbury! Her drawing was selected for the cover of our annual holiday greeting card contest. Abigail won a gift certificate to Rock, Paper, Scissors toy store and I made a $100 donation to the Alden School PTO in her name. We had a brief presentation today in front of the school with her family and friends from the Alden school staff & PTO. There were more than 100 elementary school students acrossdrawings. A handful of them were also included on the inside of the card as shown here. We will be posting a video later that features ALL of the student entries soon. Thanks to everyone who participated and all the elementary school teachers who helped. Most of the organizing work behind the scenes was done by my aide Lilla and she got an assist from my Lila, also a student at Alden, who read the official State House Citation today. Great to spread a little holiday cheer!

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