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Rep. Cutler joins state delegation for UN Climate Talks

Rep. Josh Cutler is joining a select delegation of state lawmakers for the upcoming 2017 U.N. Climate Talks in Bonn, Germany. He is one of four lawmakers representing the Commonwealth, along with Climate Action Business Association (CABA) Executive Director Michael Green.

The lawmakers will meet with island nation presidents to talk about sea level rise and coastal resilience, share ideas with leaders from across the globe, and demonstrate Massachusetts’ commitment to action. The delegation hopes to demonstrate in Bonn that while federal priorities may have shifted, commitment on the state level will not waver.

“Climate change isn’t a tomorrow problem. It’s impacting our neighborhoods and businesses today. Here in my district we are already grappling with coastal erosion on our barrier beaches and rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification are threatening our oyster industry, a major driver for the local economy,” said Rep. Cutler.

The 2017 UN Climate Change Conference will take place at the World Conference Center Bonn which is located in Bonn, Germany, the seat of the UN Climate Change Secretariat. The conference will be convened under the Presidency of Fiji. A major focus of the event will be implementation of the Paris Climate Accord. Currently only the United States and Syria have refused to be members of the climate pact.

Although the White House has signaled its withdrawal, Gov. Charlie Baker has already agreed to join a bipartisan coalition of states committed to meeting the goals of the agreement. The Mass. House this week also voted to commit to greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals laid out in the Paris Accords.

“Massachusetts has played a leadership role on climate change and now, in the face of a Federal retreat, our voice is even more vital. I’m excited to attend the UN Climate Talks to share ways we can bring local solutions to confront a global problem,” Rep. Cutler added.

The Climate Action Business Association (CABA) is a non-profit member based organization that helps local businesses take targeted action on climate change.

The Massachusetts lawmakers will travel to Bonn as official NGO observers qualified by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat. The trip is not taxpayer funded and the lawmakers are traveling at their own expense in order to participate in these historic talks.


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