I am pleased to share that MassDEP announced the opening of the 2023 Sustainable Materials Recovery Program (SMRP) Municipal Grant application round. The program supports local recycling, composting/organics, reuse, source reduction, program development, and enforcement activities that increase diversion and reduce disposal.
Funding will be available in a number of categories (listed below). MassDEP staff will host an informational webinar for applicants on May 10, 2023 (applicants need to register in advance). Grant applications are due by June 14, 2023. More information on eligibility, grant offerings, and how funds may be used can be found on MassDEP’s SMRP page: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-for-a-sustainable-materials-recovery-program-smrp-municipal-grant
Funding categories:
Recycling Dividends Program
Regional Small-Scale Initiatives
Food Waste Carts
Mattress Recycling Containers
Universal Waste Sheds (fluorescent lamps, batteries, mercury-containing devices)
Establishing Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Permanent Facilities