The Department of Environmental Protection recently opened the Gap III Energy Grant Program for applications. Under the leadership of MassDEP, the Clean Energy Results Program is an integrated energy and environmental partnership with the Department of Energy Resources and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center that reduces regulatory or other barriers to clean and energy efficient development across the state.
The Gap Grant is a cornerstone of this partnership and is a streamlined energy grant funding model that has helped municipal water utilities reduce their energy usage, operating costs, and improve the environment. The grant is designed to fill the last “gap” in project financing, enabling and encouraging facilities to use energy utility incentives as well as funding from other sources to install selected energy efficiency and clean energy generation projects.
Information on potentially eligible entities and when to apply is included here. If you are looking for information, please visit MassDEP’s Gap III website.
Eligible Entities
Nonprofit Affordable Housing
Nonprofit Agricultural and Food Distribution
Small Business Food Distribution and Processing
Water & Wastewater Utilities owned by a Municipality, District, Or Authority
Deadline to Apply
July 15, 2022 – for Drinking Water and Wastewater Facilities
July 29, 2022 – Nonprofits and Small Businesses
Available Funding
$7.5M total
Up to $200,000 per project
Virtual Information Sessions
June 2, 2022
June 14, 2022