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Energy Savings & Efficiency Act


Lead Sponsors: Rep. Josh Cutler & Sen. Jason Lewis


Please note: cost figures are based on bill as filed.


The Mass. Energy Savings & Efficiency Act (Energy SAVE) updates energy and water efficiency standards for common household and commercial appliances. Efficiency standards ensure that the products we purchase use less energy and water while preserving quality and affordability.


The basics of appliance efficiency standards
• Set a minimum level of energy and water efficiency for household and commercial appliances
• Provide savings for consumers and businesses
• Encourage innovative water- and energy-savings technologies


Standards bring huge benefits to Massachusetts
Affordability: Consumers and businesses save money on utility bills with reduced consumption
Cleaner Energy: Public health and air quality improve when carbon emissions and pollutants are cut
Water Savings: Reduced strain on water infrastructure lessens need for expensive water
Climate Goals: Helps state meet goals of Global Warming Solutions Act and maintains top rating for Energy Efficiency
#2 Energy Saving tool: After fuel economy standards, appliance standards rank as the biggest energy saver!

Residents, businesses, and government save money:

If these updated appliance standards were adopted Massachusetts residents, businesses, and local and state governments would save more than $138 million annually by 2025. These savings grow to $287 million annually by 2035.


Short paybacks and long term benefits:
Of the 17 updated standards included in the bill, 7 have zero incremental cost so consumers and businesses start saving right away. Of the remaining 10 standards, the payback period ranges from 0.7 to 3.1 years, with the median payback for all products less than 1 year.


Why state standards?
States have historically led the nation in the development of new appliance standards. Over time consensus efficiency standards develop into national standards. Massachusetts has been a leader in the past in setting state standards and now it’s time to update our standards to keep pace with changes in the marketplace and continue the push for innovation and energy savings.


Do I have to buy expensive new products?
No. Consumers can already readily purchase all products that meet the proposed updated standards (including all ENERGY STAR or WaterSense products). This bill will merely raise the floor to weed out the least efficient products in the marketplace.

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