Earlier this year Rep. Cutler and his colleagues in the Legislature approved a supplemental budget which included $100 million to assist cities and towns with local infrastructure. This Winter Recovery Assistance Program includes rehabilitation, reconstruction, resurfacing or preservation of local roads, sidewalks, bike lanes and other pathways, as well as road striping or painting, and repair or replacement of traffic control devices, signage, guardrails and storm grates. These funds are in addition to the regular Chapter 90 roadways funding. Our local allotments are as follows:
Duxbury: $345,459
Halifax: $174,524
Hanson: $201,752
Marshfield: $440,063
Pembroke: $315,038
These WRAP allocations must be spent by June 3

0, 2023. For more details see: https://www.mass.gov/winter-recovery-assistance-program-wrap