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Legislature commits to Local Aid for towns and schools

State Representative Josh Cutler is pleased to announce an important commitment for local aid funding to help our cities and towns during this challenging budget year.

This commitment will result in an increase in Chapter 70 education funding and an assurance to maintain existing levels of unrestricted local aid. The agreement came about through cooperative discussions between the administration and the House and Senate. For FY21, the agreement commits to providing no less than the FY20 level of funding for unrestricted general government aid (UGGA, in the past called Lottery aid) and Chapter 70 education aid. 

Additionally, it commits to Chapter 70 increases for inflation and enrollment increases with an additional $107 million in aid over FY20. Additional school aid noted below is allocated based on formula factoring in student enrollment changes. “Given the fiscal challenges brought on by COVID19 and the uncertainty at the federal level, this budget news is quite welcome and encouraging,” said Rep. Cutler. “I am pleased to support it as a member of the House Ways & Means Committee. This will still be a very challenging budget year for everyone, but this agreement will go a long way to help our towns reduce uncertainty and maintain quality services. 

Here are the numbers for our district.” Chapter 70 school aid  • Pembroke Schools: $13,705,090, an increase of $96,338. • Duxbury Schools: $5,445,397, an increase of $104,862  • Whitman-Hanson Regional: $25,068,973, an increase of $292,273 Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA) • Pembroke: $1,785,006  • Duxbury: $941,254 • Hanson: $1,359,810 UGGA amounts are based on FY20 cherry sheets. School aid data courtesy of DESE.These amounts do not include potential additional funding from CARES program.


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