Focus on new bills to disclose pay ranges and enhance wage gap data reporting
BOSTON, MA – Rep. Josh Cutler and Sen. Patricia Jehlen, co-chairs of the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development, will host a briefing on Equal Pay legislation on Monday, March 13, 2023 at 10:30a.m.
They will be joined by Wage Equity Now (WEN) Coalition Steering members Evelyn Murphy, Former Lt. Governor of Massachusetts, and Megan Driscoll, Former CEO of PharmaLogics Recruiting; Eneida Roman, Co-Founder and Executive Director at Amplify Latinx; Joel Jaquez, Associate Director of Policy and Partnerships, Embrace Boston; and Keith Mahoney, Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs at The Boston Foundation.
The briefing, which is co-hosted by Representatives Brandy Fluker Oakley, Dave Rogers and Christine Barber, and Senators Paul Feeney and Senator Liz Miranda, will focus on two related bills aimed at closing gender and racial wage gaps in the Commonwealth:
An Act Relative to Pay Range Transparency (HD.2814/SD.1521) which would require companies with fifteen or more employees to disclose salary ranges for new job postings, promotions, transfers, and when requested.
An Act Relative to Transparency in the Workplace (HD.4039/SD.2331) which would facilitate state collection of wage data reports submitted to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
WHAT: Equal Pay Day Legislative Briefing
WHEN: Monday, March 13, 2023 at 10:30 AM
WHERE: State House Room 428
For questions, please contact Cole Angley in Representative Cutler’s office at 617-722-2013 or Laura Gomez Arango in Senator Jehlen’s office at 617-722-1578.
