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FY 2023 Skills Capital Grant awarded to South Shore Regional Vocational Technical High School

I am writing to let you know that nearly $22 million in Skills Capital Grants were recently awarded to 70 educational institutions, and an additional $10 million awarded to 23 vocational schools to expand programs for both young people and adults as part of the Career Technical Initiative (CTI).

Congratulations to South Shore Regional Vocational Technical High School for being awarded a grant through this program.

Skills Capital Grants are competitive grants awarded to educational institutions across the Commonwealth to update equipment and expand student enrollment in programs that provide career education. This round of CTI grants will help train more than 1,600 people for new careers in construction, manufacturing and other trades with growing workforce demands.

South Shore Regional Vocational Technical High School has been awarded $500,000 for Manufacturing & Trades: The high school will purchase new milling machines, lathes, boilers, tankless water heaters and home efficiency auditors and multi-zone building energy equipment. The equipment will improve students’ skills for careers in advanced manufacturing, electronics, engineering, robotics, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration.



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