To the future worker:
Our Commonwealth, our country, and indeed our entire world have undergone profound changes in recent years. As society emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and the pace of technological and social change continues to intensify, where does that leave workers, and how does Massachusetts prepare? This was the key question facing the 2021-22 Future of Work Commission.
The Commission was established by Section 92 of An Act Enabling Partnerships for Growth (Chapter 358 of the Acts of 2020), a piece of a comprehensive economic policy bill intended, in part, to help chart our Commonwealth’s recovery from the pandemic. The statute tasked the Future of Work Commission with an overarching goal to “ensure sustainable jobs, fair benefits and workplace safety standards for workers in all industries, including, but not limited to, access to adequate and affordable health insurance, financial security in retirement, unemployment insurance and disability insurance.” Our main objective from the start was to highlight the needs of the future worker, articulate what strengths and weaknesses the Commonwealth possessed in relation to those needs, and provide a roadmap for giving our workers the tools and resources necessary for them to succeed over the next five-to-ten years.
With appointments from the Governor, Attorney General, Senate President, Speaker of the House, Senate and House Minority Leaders, and the Co-Chairs, the Commission included a wide array of stakeholders from government, business, nonprofit, labor, academic and advocacy sectors. We wish to thank all of our Commissioners for their time, attention, and engagement over the course of our meetings and deliberations.
Ultimately, the Commission hopes its findings and recommendations will result in legislative, policy, and other changes here in Massachusetts that put workers of the future in the best position to find well-paying jobs and a chance to live with dignity and stability.
It has been an honor to serve as Co-Chairs of the Future of Work Commission, and we want to thank Senate President Karen Spilka and Speaker of the House Ron Mariano for appointing us to lead this important endeavor. We also want to thank all our presenters for sharing their wisdom and expertise and the public for their participation and input. Finally, we wish to extend our utmost appreciation to the members of our staff – Lilla Adams, Liz Storms, and Stephanie Swanson – without whom this report would not have been possible.
Josh S. Cutler, Co-Chair State Representative Sixth Plymouth District
Eric P. Lesser, Co-Chair, State Senator, First Hampden and Hampshire District