I would like to share that the Town of Duxbury is in the process of seeking the AAARP Age and Dementia Friendly Designation. The first step in the process is to have residents of all ages complete the survey.
Please complete the Duxbury Age-Friendly Survey to make Duxbury livable for all. Your experience and opinions are important.
The Town of Duxbury has partnered with Old Colony Planning Council to develop an Age-Friendly Action Plan that will help better meet the needs of an aging population. The survey is one of many opportunities to have your voice heard and help the Town learn what you would like to see in Duxbury to make it livable for all.
Hold your camera over the QR code below to open the survey. Or go to duxburyseniorcenter.org and click Duxbury Age Friendly Survey. Paper copies of the survey are available at the Duxbury Town offices and the Duxbury Senior Center.